Oze`s Fighting back
Published on January 16, 2011 By captainmoonlight In WinCustomize Talk

I Hope everyone , on Wincustomize Community in oze`s, is save and well .I HAVE BEEN,around the  traps lately and have notice some, of the Aussies are missing,  and hope you are    save and well,as ,the floods .are now in all .states  but western Australia . I  MY SELF have one eye  on the  computer  and the other, on the road side with my tog's on ready to go .i hope  you are all save

on Jan 16, 2011

All good here, mind you tho we could have been washed up if we had stayed in our last House in Goodna Queensland that was flooded over the roof top . yeah we are safe

on Jan 16, 2011

Hand in there captinmoonlight. You are obviously at the ready.   For now it seems your playing the waiting game. I'm hoping it just passes by like a stranger on the sidewalk. Mr.& Mrs. Starkers, Jafo, Nimbin, Vampothica, are all doing well. Keep up the spirits, and take care of each other.

on Jan 16, 2011

Digital[Chet] is aok as well... just a bit damp from the rains.

on Jan 16, 2011

Thanks Doc.